Learn from one of our passionate experts and challenge your mind.
Our programs are fun, engaging and designed to increase your knowledge and love for a particular subject.
Why not register for a trial and see for yourself?
Maybe there’s a budding chemist or an International Chess Master inside, waiting to be inspired!
Our programs are fun, engaging and designed to increase your knowledge and love for a particular subject.
Why not register for a trial and see for yourself?
Maybe there’s a budding chemist or an International Chess Master inside, waiting to be inspired!
TERM 2, 2020
*Super Group and Training Squad
ADDRESS: Ground Floor, 430 - 432 Huntingdale Rd, Mt Waverley 3149
Huntingdale Rd, Waverley Rd, Hillview Ave., Nachos Cantina
*Please respect both the local road rules as well as our neighbours and only park in legal parking spaces! Take note of signs and parking restrictions, times of day etc. Note that there are 2 spaces behind the building which are reserved for our neighbours upstairs and we kindly request them to remain vacant between the hours of 7am and 7pm.
Huntingdale Rd, Waverley Rd, Hillview Ave., Nachos Cantina
*Please respect both the local road rules as well as our neighbours and only park in legal parking spaces! Take note of signs and parking restrictions, times of day etc. Note that there are 2 spaces behind the building which are reserved for our neighbours upstairs and we kindly request them to remain vacant between the hours of 7am and 7pm.